Details of the head entity
In compliance with article 10, Law 34/2002, from the Servicios de la sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, of 11 July, the following identifying data are indicated:
Entity name: CLUB DEPORTIVO LOS CHARCOS (en adelante EL CLUB)
Address: Calle Guagaro, n7, portal 2, local 7 – 35500 Arrecife – LAS PALMAS – SPAIN
C.I.F. number: G-35298678
Telephone: + 34 636933355
Website conditions of access and use
This legal notice regulates the access and use of this website, whose objective is to offer users information considered of interest.
The website owner can modify at any point and without prior notice, the design, presentation and/or configuration of this site, conditions of use as well as some or all services.
The user commits to making a correct use of the website and the services it offers, in accordance with the Law, good habits and the conditions herewith.
Any different us to that which the website in intended is expressly forbidden. Access and use of the website does not require prior subscription or Registration by users.
The information provided by the user to the club must be accurate. The user guarantees the authenticity of all the data provided when completing the forms.
The user is solely responsible for false or inexact information provided and that may cause prejudices to third parties.
The user commits to making a proper use of the contents and services offered by the Club through this website and not using them to incur in unlawful and illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order.
All contents, including but not limited to texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audio-visual or sound contents, as well as the graphic design and Font colours, and the intellectual property rights of these contents, as well as all brands, trade names or any other distinctive sign, are the property of their legitimate owners. Furthermore, all applicable rights are reserved with no exploitation rights transferred to the user, other than that strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.
Navigation, access and security
The Club will make all efforts to offer the best navigation conditions and avoid any prejudices that could occur while navigating.
The Club accepts no liability for any kind of prejudices suffered by users due to the use of other browsers or different versions of the web browsers for which the website has been designed.
Exemption of liability and compliance clause
The Club will ensure the correction of any errors. Nevertheless, some files or contents may have been created non-exempt of errors and therefore there is no guarantee that the service might be interrupted or affected in any way for such problems.
This website contains some links to external pages over which the CLUB has no control whatsoever and over which it declines all liability.
For any contentious issue or any other issue involving the CLUB website , the Spanish law will apply and in order to solve any conflicts resulting from or related to the use of this website, the Law Courts and Tribunals of Arrecife de Lanzarote – Las Palmas – Spain.